In her latest post, Kelly mentioned that it's "getting a bit dusty" here on the family blog. Well,.. it must be from all the construction mess!!!
We will have a SECOND Marie Loveless within 48 hours! (Has there been an official ruling on the designations yet? Marie-dle-dee and Marie-del-Ray?)
The Lee wing in the final rundown to grand opening.
And the ever-more popular birthday stacking event: Brandon Seamons and Angela Whatcott shared September 13th! Dallas Hills and David Vogel will share this Friday, September 23rd. And THANK YOU Christine for the best Birthday present in AGES! Amy Rose is a doll!!!
Whether it was the "quick reference family guide" I made for Thelma,... or the amazing 3" binder I found at DI last month,... or my attempt to put the last 20 years of accumulated KGC family memorabilia into said binder and realizing it wasn't big enough,... Whatever,... I've decided to take advantage of this little "lull" in my life (kids are big enough not to need me around every minute, and grandkids are still a few years off) to see about getting this bulk a little more organized.
Please forgive me if somewhere in this process I become the stereo-typical geneology-crazed Aunt -- it's a very small leap, indeed!!! And barring my life taking another "scenic detour" (which the Lord likes to provide on occasion for our own edification and enrichment), I do plan on starting to contact some people (This could mean YOU!)
General Conference weekend is coming up,.. take advantage of the refreshing change in Sunday schedule to sit down and update your own family files. Remember to add not only the births and weddings, but also the baptism and endowment dates (and you can even put blessing dates in the "christening" line,.. since that's when LDS kids become "children of record")
At one point, I remember Dad Cruiser predicting that his posterity would number over 1,000,000 within 6 generations. And, though Chris and I did not meet his expectations (Dad had signed us up for SIX children! I ask, "Chris and WHICH wife? This one is maxed out!!!"), the family is still well on it's way!!!
So here's to all the construction "messes",.... the babies, the weddings, the funerals,...
And to the rest of the world,....
Yeah for Stephanie!!! Another poster is just what I had been hoping/praying for. I know there are those who read but don't comment. That is okay! I know they appreciate every bit of contact so please keep it up. I invite us all to learn how to comment this year. Are you up for it?
ReplyDeleteI will definitely take Stephanie up on her challenge to update family records but I can't be certain of when my kids were christened....hmm. Maybe a post about how to do this in in order Steph : )