In the mean time I would love to extend and invitation to anyone who wishes to come to our neck of the woods. Even if you would just like to send a kid or two for a week with me in DC. That would be welcomed! The east coast Tagg Family would be glad shuttle some cousins around and see the sights. Think it over!
Anyways I have decided to post our familys letter to Dad on the KGC blog... here goes.
Eliza's Answers
1-What does she love about Grandpa? "I love how he makes something for me...does he make me things?"
2-Eliza's memory about Grandpa is him saying "I have eyes in the back of my head" (it's entirely possible she is mixing up her Grandpas here)
3-Eliza doesn't know how she is going to live her life to honor Grandpa. She is 4 so we'll give her some time to think about that...
Audrey's Answers
1- What do we love about him? Audrey said "he always has something funny to tell"
2-Audrey's favorite memory is playing "I love you the most" with Grandpa
3-One thing Audrey wants to do to him is give him a big hug and squeeze all the blood out of him. (Classy no? She may have misunderstood the last question but I liked that answer).
Drew's Answers
1-Loves that Grandpa has a big house.
2-Drew's favorite memory is having a competition with Grandpa over who was the tallest by raising up our arms higher than each other.
3-Drew is going to serve an honorable mission for Grandpa Whatcott.
Evan's Answers
1-Evan loves that he has a big personality.
2-Flying airplanes with him is a memory Evan has of Grandpa Whatcott.
3- Evan is going to learn to fly a plane to honor his Grandpa.
Nathan's Answers
1- Loves that Grandpa is a happy guy.
2-"Him making cheese pancakes for us" is Nathan's favorite memory
3-I am going to buy one of those plastic toys with the substances that don't mix together and are different colors.... They look like this:
Troy's Answers
1-What do you love about him? "I love his laugh"
2-A favorite memory? "I knew I was welcomed into his family when upon my first visit to the house he offered me a slice off of his huge hunk of 'adult only' swiss cheese."
3-What will you do with your life to honor him? "I will treat his daughter with love and respect"
Kelly's Answers
1-I love that my Dad has such great self confidence. Nothing gets him down for too long and he has a big gigantic heart and wants to help out whenever he can.
2-A favorite memory of mine (and his I think) is when he rescued me during a blizzard after my car had spun out and ran off the road while I was driving home from Colorado as a young college student. He had to finish up his work that day and then come and get me in white out conditions over through steep canyon roads. For years afterwards I was reminded of this event when I was working as a hygienist in his dental office, and patients would come through and say "Hey, weren't you that daughter of his that he rescued in the snow storm? I was a patient that day!"
3-To honor my Dad I will try and live a perfectly honest life. His exactness in this department has always been an example to me. Except for maybe that time he went to Montana to purchase a motor home to avoid paying state taxes on the vehicle. But that's a grey area I guess. Happy Birthday Dad!!!
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