It's Kelly again wondering where all of you are out there. No posts from anyone but me so far. I know I sent out nearly 40 invites and many of you know how to post. Perhaps I did the invite thing wrong and maybe I will try again. But in the mean time here is a video of my sons playing a duet on their violins. You may recognize the tune. Drew is my younger son playing the main tune and he has been taking violin for just about a year with his current teacher. She is fabulous and he has made great strides with her. He did have some lessons before in Iowa but that teacher wasn't as great. Nathan has been taking for going on 7 years now and wanted me to let you know that is NOT the hardest thing he knows how to play. It might just be the sweetest thing to my ears though...
I think that if you have interest in contributing to KGC blend maybe I will have to give some instructions, and possibly some incentive....I believe you need a google account and have to set one up (with a password) if you don't have that yet. If you already have a blog through blogger like Marie, Rhonda, Roland and myself then you already have an account. If not get someone to help you set up an account.
To create a post, first go to the KGC Blend webiste (the one you're looking at now if you are reading this) you have to click on the orange and white B up in the top left corner. (It's the blogger logo) If you are viewing the website that is where it always is. After clicking there you should see another blue tab to click that says "new post." It will then take you to the title slot. Choose a title for your entry, click in the writing space below (or type the 'tab' button on your keyboard and it will take you there) and start writing. When you are finished click the orange tab that says "publish post" at the bottom left-hand corner and you are finished! So easy. I would be happy to walk any of you through the process on the phone if you like. My number is 301-570-1157.
Now for some incentive. I will mail the first author (besides me) an extra extra large bag of peanut M & Ms as soon as possible. You won't believe how much better the M & M's taste when they come from Maryland. Good luck!
Wow! I big bad of peanut M & Ms sure does sound good right about now!