Hi family, Kelly here. Some of you may know that my oldest son Nathan is turning 18 on Feb 8th 2012. I am in the process of planning some surprises for him. Perhaps you'd like to see the birthday Evite photo I sent out recently...
Help us surprise Nathan on his birthday |
Surprise Party for Nathan Tagg
The second surprise he has coming will happen on his actual birthday a couple days before this friend party and that is the part I wanted to invite you to participate in if you have any desire at all. Since Nathan is turning 18 and it's such a big milestone year I want to ask people who have memories of Nathan growing up to email me a write up of some sort for a "this is your life Nathan Tagg" type thing for him to have. I know we have not lived close so many of you will not have a clue. I'm not expecting anything from you. But if you have visited me or remember something funny/touching about Nathan from one of the times we were in Utah together please email me at nttagg@gmail.com before Feb 8th. Thanks a bunch. BTW here is what Nathan looks like to jog your memory.
What a handsome devil! |